APDU Conference: Learn about upcoming Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission


There are less than 2 months until our Annual Conference and the timeliness of our topics, sessions and keynote speakers could not be any more on target! The Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking is convening their first meeting on July 22. The bipartisan Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-140) jointly sponsored by Speaker Paul Ryan […]

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Opportunities to Provide Input Regarding the Proposed Elimination of ACS 3-Year Data Products


By Warren A. Brown, President, APDU In the Census Bureau publication Budget Estimates, Fiscal Year 2016, As Presented to Congress, February 2015 the Bureau proposed “to terminate permanently the ‘3-Year Data’ Product” of the American Community Survey (page CEN – 106). Many data users have come to rely on the 3-Year ACS data products for […]

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