Member Committees

Get involved! APDU’s members are its premium asset. They work for a diverse array of agencies, businesses and organizations with a common objective of advocating for and using public data. We are calling upon you to make a commitment to help us develop our educational programming areas, the content we deliver, and to recruit data users to join APDU. To those ends we have established committees to support the Conference, Professional Development, and Membership Development.  Each committee will be chaired by a board member or a general member designated by the board.

Conference Committee

The Conference Committee assists with organization of APDU’s annual conference.  Tasks include developing a theme, reviewing proposals and selecting speakers, reaching out to speakers for keynote and plenary sessions, and assisting APDU staff with logistics as needed.

Professional Development

This Committee will be responsible for identifying critical issues in the changing public data environment and topics of concern where opportunities exist for APDU to develop new content for professional development, partnership, and resources. Content channels include webinars, trainings, and conference offerings.

Membership Development

This Committee will be responsible for developing and implementing a member recruitment strategy; identifying and reaching out to prospective members and member types; and helping to facilitate discussion among members and strengthen the networking and sense of community through the APDU membership.

I urge you to volunteer for one of these committees. Please email with your name, organization, and a brief (1-2 paragraph) summary of your relevant experience.