Is Data Science a disruptive anomaly to traditional statisticians? Or, are they one and the same thing with Data Science simply an extension of traditional statistics? There are a number of articles highlighting the differences between them throughout the internet. There are also some credible arguments describing the need for more statisticians in the Data […]
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On Wednesday, the Senate passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This act is a significant development in the nation’s workforce development system utilizing evidence-based strategies for this development. One portion of the bill that is of real significance is the Bill’s requirement to align and streamline the workforce-related education and training systems. States will […]
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The U.S. Census Bureau announced this week that two new members will join the Census Scientific Advisory Committee. Kenneth Simonson — the Associated General Contractors of America’s chief economist — and Jack Levis — the director of process management at United Parcel Service — will join other subject-matter experts in advising the Census Bureau director […]
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APDU has just learned that Senator David Vitter (R-LA) has filed an amendment to the FY2015 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill (H.R. 4660), being considered now in the U.S. Senate, that would prohibit the Census Bureau from spending funds on the 2020 Census unless it includes questions regarding U.S. citizenship and immigration status. For […]
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