Proof-of-Concept 2020 Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B


The U.S. Census Bureau released a proof-of-concept data product and documentation for the 2020 Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B (DDHC-B). The DDHC-B will provide data on housing tenure and household type for just over 1,500 detailed racial and ethnic groups. The proof-of-concept data product and documentation describe the Bureau’s adaptive design algorithm for the DDHC-B file. User feedback […]

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Remembrance of Katherine Wallman


Katherine Wallman, the former chief statistician of the United States, passed away on January 17, 2024. She was a prominent figure in the data user community, such as serving as a member of the APDU board of directors. The following comments are from Amy O’Hara, President, and Beth Jarosz, Vice President, reflecting on Katherine Wallman’s […]

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