
APDU partners with several organizations to educate decision-makers in Congress and the executive branch on the value of federal statistics. These organizations collaborate to visit Members of Congress, write letters to various Committees, and interface with leaders at the federal statistical agencies.

American Statistical Association (ASA)

The American Statistical Association is the world’s largest community of statisticians, the “Big Tent for Statistics.” It is the second-oldest, continuously operating professional association in the country. Since it was founded in Boston in 1839, the ASA has supported excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy.

Census Project

The Census Project is a collaboration of business and industry associations; civil rights advocates; state and local governments; social service agencies; researchers and scientific societies; planners; foundations; and nonprofits focused on housing, child and family welfare, education, transportation, and other vital services.

Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics (COPAFS)

Founded in 1981, the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics (COPAFS) represents over 300,000 individual researchers, educators, public health professionals, civic groups, and businesses that rely on the quality and accessibility of statistics that can only be effectively collected by the federal government.

Friends of Labor Statistics

The objectives of the Friends of BLS group are to:

  • Create a network of users of BLS data and information to facilitate the distribution of information, opinions, and ideas about BLS among users;
  • Act as a reservoir of individuals and organizations who could participate in seminars and other educational events for the public and for public policy decision makers about the utility and overall value of BLS programs; and
  • Support the BLS as an institution that provides critical data and tools to a wide variety of users for a wide variety of purposes.

National Association for Business Economists (NABE)

NABE is the premier professional association for business economists and others who use economics in the workplace. Since 1959, NABE has attracted the most prominent figures in economics, business, and academia to its membership with highly-regarded conferences, educational and career development offerings, industry surveys, and its unrivaled networking opportunities. Past presidents of NABE include former Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System, Alan Greenspan, several former Federal Reserve Governors, and other senior business leaders.

Population Association of America (PAA)

The Population Association of America (PAA) is a nonprofit, scientific, professional organization established to promote the improvement, advancement and progress of the human condition through research of problems related to human population.

Workforce Data Quality Campaign (WDQC)

Workforce Data Quality Campaign (WDQC) is a non-profit, non-partisan project of National Skills Coalition. The initiative promotes federal and state policies that provide stakeholders (students/workers, employers, policymakers, educators/practitioners) with actionable data that is effectively used to assess and improve our nation’s education and workforce strategies.