Download the APDU 2015 Annual Conference Agenda (PDF)
View the Speaker List
DAY 1 – SEPTEMBER 1, 2015
- 8:00–8:45 amBreakfast and Registration
Room: Salon A/B/C/D/E
- 8:45–9:00 amWelcome and Introduction
Room: Salon A/B
- Warren Brown, President, APDU
- 9:00–10:00 amPlenary Session: Innovating with Public Data
Room: Salon A/B
This panel will focus on setting up the theme of the conference, emphasizing approaches to using public data in new or interesting ways or in responding to the continued budget pressures that are making it increasingly difficult to deliver public data.
- Kitty Smith, Executive Director, Council of Professional Associations for Statistics
- Niall Brennan, Director, Office of Enterprise Data and Analysis, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Connie Citro, Director, Committee on National Statistics
- Daniel Castro, Vice President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (Presentation PDF)
- Ana Aizcorbe, Research Professor, Social and Decision Analytics Laboratory (SDAL), Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech
- 10:00–10:30 amData Agency Headliners/Part 1 (An APDU Public Data University Presentation): Round Robin Update from the Statistical Agencies Focused on Demographics, Health, and the Natural Environment
Room: Salon A/B
- Cliff Cook, Planning Information Manager, City of Cambridge
- Bonnie Nichols, Program Analyst, National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture, National Endowment for the Arts (Presentation PDF)
- Todd McNeil, Geographer, eGIS Portal, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Presentation PDF)
- Jennifer H. Madans, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science & Co-Acting Deputy Director, National Center for Health Statistics (Presentation PDF)
- Mark Corrales, Senior Analyst, Environmental Protection Agency
- 10:30–11:00 amExhibit Hall Break
Room: Salon C/D/E
- 11:00–12:15 pmBreakout Sessions
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
Developing New Tools for Local Actors: Lessons from the Field -
Room: Salon A/B
This session will review the steps involved in developing new tools for local users and the lessons that can be learned from that process. Government innovators that recently created new tools will share their thought process behind creating the tool, how they overcame any challenges in the process, and advice they have for other organizations interested in building tools to better serve their own audiences.
- Kathy Pettit, Senior Research Associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute
- Mark Corrales, Senior Analyst, Environmental Protection Agency (Presentation PDF)
- Kate Brett, Infant, Child and Women’s Health Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics (Presentation PDF)
- George “Chip” Walker, IV, Special Assistant to Associate Director for Economic Programs, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- 2. Using Administrative Records to Enhance Available Data
Data Mashups: Emerging Opportunities for Public and Private Data -
Room: Jackson
Increasingly, “open data” is seen as a critical approach for reducing the cost of federal data collection activities and as a resource for users seeking to answer policy questions from administrative records. The challenge is that access to administrative records are limited by a number of factors. What do we know about the process of putting together a data sharing agreement? How can we make this process easier and how can we reduce the transaction costs associated with instituting data agreements? What are the barriers and what are successful examples at the Federal and state level. This session will feature research on data sharing as well as lessons learned from organizations that manage data sharing agreements.
- Erin Holve, Senior Director, Electronic Data Methods Forum, AcademyHealth
- Lesley Hirsch, Director, New York City Labor Market Information Service, Center for Urban Research, City University of New York (Presentation PDF)
- David Newman, CEO, Health Care Cost Institute (Presentation PDF)
- Robert Avery, Project Director, National Mortgage Database, Federal Housing Finance Agency (Presentation PDF)
- 3. New Ways to Share Data
How Publicly Available Data Is Being Used Alongside Private Sector Information -
Room: Madison
While a rich resource for data users, publicly available data is not always adequate or accessible to meet user needs. How are public data champions leveraging private sector data to enhance their work with public data? What is the value proposition in terms of currency, format, or availability for users that opt to tap private or proprietary tools to complement public data? The goal of this session is to frame our thinking about what the private sector contributes to users of public and private data sets.
- Elizabeth Nash, Director of Data and Product Development, PolicyMap
- Keith Wardrip, Community Development Research Manager, Community Development Studies and Education Dept., Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (Presentation PDF)
- Nima Nattagh, Analytics Manager, Verisk Analytics (Presentation PDF)
- David Norris, Senior Researcher, The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Ohio State University (Presentation PDF)
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
- 12:30–1:15 pmLunch
Room: Salon A/B/C/D/E
- 1:15–2:00 pmKeynote: Innovations in Public Data
Room: Salon A/B
- Robert M. Groves, Provost, Georgetown University (Presentation PDF)
Introduction by:
- Warren Brown, President, APDU
- 2:15–3:30 pmBreakout Sessions
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
International Data: Tools for Enhancing Access for Researchers -
Room: Madison
Official statistical agencies around the world are opening up access to their official microdata, enabling researchers to engage in comparative analysis. Opportunities are available for researchers, research centers, and data libraries to gain access to an increasing array of demographic and economic microdata. This session will feature examples drawn from Europe, Asia and North America.
- A. Michelle Edwards, Data Librarian, Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, Cornell University
- Joerg Heining, Senior Researcher at the Research Data Centre (FDZ), German Institute for Employment Research (IAB) (Presentation PDF)
- David Price, Chief, Federal Data Research Centre (FDRC), Statistics Canada (Presentation PDF)
- Patricia Kelly Hall, Research Associate, IPUMS / NAPP International Census Projects, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota (Presentation PDF)
- 2. Using Administrative Records to Enhance Available Data
Reducing Respondent Burden: Integrating Administrative Records with the American Community Survey -
Room: Salon A/B
There is tremendous concern in political circles about the ACS. Are there other ways to collect the data required for the ACS that does not require a survey? As the Census explores design options for the ACS, what nontraditional data collection strategies might Census employ? What are the challenges and opportunities? What administrative data sources might prove most fruitful to supplement and strengthen the ACS?
- Ken Hodges, Demographer, Nielsen
- Deb Stempowski, Chief, American Community Survey (Presentation PDF)
- Amy O’Hara, Chief, Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- Sharon Ennis, Researcher, Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- 3. New Ways to Share Data
The Emergence of Regional Collaboratives -
Room: Jackson
All over the nation, groups of data users are coming together to break down data silos in an effort to gain greater access to administrative records and other data. These regional user groups, both informal and formal, are playing much more active roles in fostering innovation than anyone imagined. This session will highlight several examples to illustrate the possibilities and power born of collaboration.
- Cliff Cook, Planning Information Manager, City of Cambridge
- Bob Gradeck, Research Manager, University Center for Social and Urban Research, University of Pittsburgh (Presentation PDF)
- Michele Riordan-Nold, Executive Director, Connecticut Data Collaborative, Rocky Hill, CT (Presentation PDF)
- Adam Hecktman, Director of Technology and Civic Innovation, Microsoft Chicago (Presentation PDF)
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
- 3:30–4:00 pmExhibit Hall Break
Room: Salon C/D/E
- 4:00–5:00 pmPlenary Session: Finding New Ways to Answer Old Questions: The Case of Workforce Training and Credentials
Room: Salon A/B
- Sharon Boivin, Chair, Interagency Working Group on Expanded Measures of Enrollment and Attainment, National Center for Education Statistics (Presentation PDF)
Introduction by:
- Warren Brown, President, APDU
- 5:00–6:00 pmReception
Room: Salon C/D/E
DAY 2 – SEPTEMBER 2, 2015
- 8:30–9:30 amBreakfast
Room: Salon A/B/C/D/E
- 9:00–9:45 amPlenary Session: Washington Briefing
Room: Salon A/B
APDU has been working with many other organizations to educate policymakers on Capitol Hill and in the agencies about user needs, the critical challenges facing federal statistics, and the resources the agencies require to respond. Learn more about the current challenges, our advocacy network and its efforts, and plans for 2015.
Download the Top Issues/Opportunities Handout (PDF)
- Steve Pierson, Director of Science Policy, American Statistical Association
- Shelly Martinez, Statistician, Statistical and Science Policy Branch, Office of Management and Budget
- Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, Associated General Contractors of America
- 9:45–10:30 am#IgniteAPDU Talks (An APDU Public Data University Presentation)
Room: Salon A/B
Various speakers present 5-minute talks on hot trends and topics.
- Kathy Pettit, Senior Research Associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute
- Elina Bravve, Senior Research Analyst, National Low-Income Housing Coalition (Presentation PDF)
- Jonathan Marks, Cofounder, (Presentation PDF)
- Richard Auxier, Research Associate II, Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center (Presentation PDF)
- Michael Bader, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, American University (Presentation PDF)
- Timothy F. Slaper, Director of Economic Analysis, Indiana Business Research Center (Presentation PDF)
- Beth Jarosz, Research Associate, Population Reference Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- Nancy Jones, Data Manager, Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (Presentation PDF)
- 10:30–11:00 amExhibit Hall Break
Room: Salon C/D/E
- 11:00–12:15 pmBreakout Sessions
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
Rolling Out the Latest Products: A Survey of Cool New Tools -
Room: Salon A/B
This session will showcase a variety of new data products and web tools, with a focus on regional economic and socioeconomic data.
- Brian Maisano, Economist, Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Shannon Guzman, Policy Research Senior Analyst, AARP Public Policy Institute (Presentation PDF)
- Nicholas Empey, Chief, DAS Group, Regional Economics Directorate, Bureau of Economic Analysis (Presentation PDF)
- Ray Rasker, Executive Director, Headwaters Economics
- 2. Using Administrative Records to Enhance Available Data
Linking Federal and State Administrative Records: Lessons from Workforce and Education -
Room: Jackson
States have a plethora of data that could be aggregated with available Federal data to create new products. Linking administrative records with traditional statistics represents an important next generation for the Federal statistical system. In the education space, the Student Longitudinal Data System is seeking to link up K-12 and postsecondary data to help track student outcomes. In the workforce development space, state and federal partners are linking employment and wage records with those student records to monitor both education and training outcomes. Census has also tapped employment and wage records, linking them with Federal employment records, to create demographic and industry detail about workers and commuters for small geographies that is being used in transportation planning and emergency management. What have we learned from these experiences? How do we overcome challenges and take advantage of huge opportunities for enhancing our data systems?
- Cliff Cook, Planning Information Manager, City of Cambridge
- Rob Sienkiewicz, Assistant Center Chief for LEHD Program, Center for Economic Studies, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- Rachel Zinn, Director, Workforce Data Quality Campaign (Presentation PDF)
- Chris Kingsley, Associate Director, Local Policy & Advocacy, Data Quality Campaign (Presentation PDF)
- 3. New Ways to Share Data
Emerging Trends Impacting Data Sharing -
Room: Madison
With customer online expectations rising each year, statistical agencies are rethinking how to provide their data to the public through a wide array of tools and technologies. What are customers demanding and expecting, and what are the best avenues for providing data access to expert, sophisticated and casual users? What are the factors that influence different data dissemination approaches? In designing a sustainability strategy, how do innovations in information technology tools help make the process simpler or more complex? This session focuses on how technology and new ways of thinking about user and customer needs are transforming the basic philosophies of data dissemination.
- Steve Pierson, Director of Science Policy, American Statistical Association
- Rebecca Blash, Chief, Center for Enterprise Dissemination Services & Consumer Innovation, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- Stephen Buckner, Assistant Division Chief, Public Information Office, Census Bureau (Presentation PDF)
- Michael D. Levi, Associate Commissioner for Publications and Special Studies, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Presentation PDF)
- Haden Springer, Manager of Technical Assistance and Training, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (Presentation PDF)
- 1. New Products and Tools Track
- 12:15–1:00 pmNetworking Lunch
Room: Salon A/B/C/D/E
- 1:00–1:30 pmPlenary Session: #IgniteAPDU Keynote: Making the Case for Public Data in a “Big Data” World
Room: Salon A/B
This presentation will focus on the challenges that public data is encountering in getting the attention it deserves from policy makers. Big data options, open data silos, and concerns about privacy and fiscal restraint are combining to squeeze the public data system. What are the compelling messages that will help to ensure that Congress and the Administration continue to appreciate the importance of the Federal statistical system?
- Scott Orr, Federal Legislative Affairs Manager, Georgia Power (Presentation PDF)
Introduction by:
- Warren Brown, President, APDU
- 1:30–2:15 pmData Agency Headliners/Part 2 (An APDU Public Data University Presentation): Round Robin Update from the Statistical Agencies Focused on Economics and Planning
Room: Salon A/B
- Cliff Cook, Planning Information Manager, City of Cambridge
- Carlos Manjarrez, Director of Planning, Research and Evaluation, IMLS Data Catalog (Presentation PDF)
- Ross Santy, Associate Commissioner, Administrative Data Division, National Center for Education Statistics (Presentation PDF)
- Emilda Rivers, Program Director, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (Presentation PDF)
- George “Chip” Walker, IV, Special Assistant to Associate Director for Economic Programs, Census Bureau
- Mary Bohman, Administrator, USDA Economic Research Service (Presentation PDF)
- Kevin Pierce, Economist, Statistics of Income, Internal Revenue Service (Presentation PDF)
- Brent Mast, Social Science Analyst, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Presentation PDF)
- 2:15–2:45 pmExhibit Hall Break
Room: Salon C/D/E
- 2:45–4:00 pmPlenary Session: The Future of Innovation in Public Data (Panel on Federal Statistics)
Room: Salon A/B
This session is a moderated Q&A discussion among selected experts about their perspectives of the state of public data, the value of external stakeholders, and the opportunities that stakeholders see in moving the public data system forward in a time of severe budget constraints and calls for change.
- Andrew Reamer, Research Professor, George Washington Institute of Public Policy, George Washington University
- Kathy Pettit, Senior Research Associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute
- Ken Poole, Executive Director, Council for Community and Economic Research/Association of Public Data Users
- Iris Palmer, Senior Policy Analyst, Education, New America Foundation
- Adie Tomer, Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program, Brookings Institution
- Erin Holve, Senior Director, Electronic Data Methods Forum, AcademyHealth
- 4:00 pmConference adjourns