Statistics for the World of Open Data

3:00 pm EDT

Webinar recordings and presentations are available to Members.

In commemoration of World Statistics Day, Mark Elbert of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and Jay Meisenheimer of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will talk about the exciting and innovative ways their agencies are making their data available to the public to make it more accessible, insightful, and appealing. Meisenheimer will discuss how BLS uses data visualizations to tell interesting stories about the labor market and economy and Elbert will discuss how EIA uses relational metadata to create a data-ecosystem of interlinked online query tools, interactive charts and maps, and a robust open data program.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the American Statistical Association.

Mark Elbert, Director, Office of Web Management, Energy Information Administration
Jay Meisenheimer, Chief, Division of New Media, Bureau of Labor Statistics