Introduction to Data Sets: Bureau of Justice Statistics Demographic Statistics

3:00 pm EDT

Webinar recordings and presentations are available to Members.

Part of APDU’s Public Data University series, this webinar serves as a baseline learning experience and systematic overview of demographic statistics at the Introduction to Data Sets: Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Demographic Statistics. This presentation will explore the following questions:

  • What data are collected? Who are the primary users? BJS
  • What research questions are most frequently answered with the agency’s data set?
  • How are the data collected? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How frequently are the data updated? At what level geography are they collected?
  • What is the delay between the reference period and publication?
  • How are the data disseminated? How is the agency’s web delivery system structured?
  • Who can the user contact if they want to know more about the data program?


Introduction to Data Sets: Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Demographic Statistics 101 (Intro to Data Sets)

Free, APDU & C2ER members and LMI Institute member states
$50, nonmembers