Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM Eastern
APDU has made significant strides this year, with Public Data University, advocacy leadership for federal statistics, the weekly APDU update, and a hugely successful annual conference. Want to know what’s in store for 2015?
Please join us for the annual APDU Business Meeting, on October 29, 2014, at 3 pm EDT. The meeting will be convened by webinar and open to all APDU members.
The APDU Board of Directors will report on the state of the association, present this year’s accomplishments and goals for the coming year, and answer your questions.
This webinar is free.
Call to Order & Welcome
Key Accomplishments
- Annual Conference Report
- Webinars
- Advocacy Activities
Upcoming Election for Fall 2014
Financial Report
Looking Ahead
- Marketing Initiative / Membership
- Public Data University
- Annual Conference
- Opportunities to Volunteer