When you think of federal statistics used to determine the allocation of federal funds or resources across states and counties, you usually think of Census Bureau statistics. In particular, you think of the importance of the Census Bureau’s Decennial Census or the American Community Survey. However, other federal statistics play an important role in distributing federal funds to states and counties. Several federal programs use Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) regional personal income statistics in their funding formulas to distribute federal funds.
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Why attend APDU’s annual conference? You can learn more about publicly available datasets like the two described in this article.
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As 2019 APDU Annual Conference Committee Chair, I would like to cordially invite you to attend what is shaping up to be a fantastic 2019 APDU Annual Conference July 9 – 10 at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA.
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Imagine a website that brought together data from 35 public data sources with 600 measures of child health and well-being: This website exists, at Kidsdata.org. Join us in Arlington, Va. July 17th & 18th, 2018 at APDU’s annual conference to learn more about navigating the public data around us by learning how Kidsdata.org was pulled together and how it has been used to inform decision making around children’s issues in the state of California.
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