APDU Representatives are expected to adhere to a set of guidelines for reporting their activities to the Board of Directors and the membership. Learn more about how to become an APDU Representative here.
Expectations of APDU Representatives Details
- Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors a written report summarizing each meeting or event in which the representative participates. The report should include not only information received on items of specific interest to the APDU membership, but also potential implications of actions, issues or policies that might not be immediately evident to members. The report should be in a form that can be transmitted to the APDU membership via the most appropriate, available electronic and/or print communication vehicles of the Association (for example, at the time of adoption of this policy, the member listserv, the APDU website, and/or the APDU Newsletter).
- Summarize their past year’s service as an APDU Representative in a presentation to the APDU annual conference, or, if unable to attend, in a report that can be delivered in their absence.
In hearing from the membership and Board, at minimum, APDU Representatives are expected to:
- Actively seek input into their representation of the Association from the membership via the member listserv or other available communication vehicles of the Association.
- Be available to hear specific questions or concerns from the membership that they would like to see presented at meetings, and or to obtain or clarify specific information for members.
Application Procedures:
To apply for these positions, please complete the appropriate application (attached as an e-mail) and:
- Submit a written statement of no more than one page describing specifically why you are qualified and should be selected for the representation opportunity as described in the notification and how you will seek input from and convey information to the APDU membership in the event of selection.
- Submit a copy of your current resume.
- Secure the support/authorization of your employer, if applicable, and note this on your application.
Representation Positions:
COPAFS Representatives (1 position available) Details
- Increase the level and scope of knowledge about developments affecting Federal statistics
- Encourage discussion within member organizations to respond to important issues in Federal statistics
- Bring the views of professional associations to bear on decisions affecting Federal statistical programs
APDU’s participation in COPAFS assures that the Association stays aware of current events in the Federal statistical world and has the opportunity to communicate the concerns of APDU members to Federal agencies and other professional associations
Anticipated time commitments: Travel to Washington, DC to attend 4 full-day COPAFS meetings per year
Reimbursement: Generally has not been provided in the past
Current Representatives: Patricia Becker (term expired) and Joan Turek
2010 Census Advisory Committee (1 position is available) Details
The 2010 Census Advisory Committee will address policy, research, and related technical issues concerning the design of the 2010 Census, the American Community Survey, and other related programs. The members of the Advisory Committee will draw on their experience with the Census 2000 planning and operational processes, results of research studies, test censuses, and results of the Census 2000 Evaluation Program to provide input on the design and related operations of the 2010 Census, the American Community Survey, and other related programs.
The 2010 Census Advisory Committee will provide formal review and feedback on working papers, reports, and other documents developed on the design and implementation of the 2010 Census, the American Community Survey, and other related programs. The Committee will utilize formal advisory committee meetings, conference calls, working groups, and other means of review and communication to accomplish its goals.
The APDU representative to the Advisory Committee should have:
- The ability to articulate the Association’s concerns in a forum on major 2010 Census issues
- The capacity to work as part of a team on detailed projects (i.e., on working groups)
- Technical knowledge of how the census works
- An understanding of what data users and data intermediaries require from the 2010 Census
- Experience with the American Community Survey
As noted above, the agenda for the Committee will focus on the American Community Survey (ACS) and 2010 Census Planning. Generally, the Committee helps the Census Bureau distribute information about the Census programs, including the ACS, and obtain resources for full implementation of programs. The APDU representative will focus on listening and reacting to plans for the ACS implementation. The APDU representative should have technical expertise in order to actively participate in critiquing the methods and implementation of these Census programs. Expertise with Census 2000 will also be needed as the Bureau begins to assess Census 2000 evaluation studies and help chart a course for 2010.
Anticipated time commitments: Travel to Washington, DC to attend 1 or 2 two-day meetings of this committee each year. Time is required to read various papers and other materials before the meetings and prepare a summary report after the meeting.
Reimbursement: Members of the 2010 Census Advisory Committee will not be compensated for their services, but are eligible, upon request, to receive travel and per diem expenses as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5701 et seq.
Current Representative: Ken Hodges (term expired), alternate – Bill O’Hare